420 History: Origins, Meaning, Legends

The origin and meaning of the number 420

The smoky investigation

When, How, Why and by Who was code 420 created?

The enigmatic number 420, a true source of legends and incredible stories, embodies the quintessence of the mysteries surrounding the world of cannabis. Erected as a symbol on April 20 each year, it is the subject of celebrations marked by thick billows of smoke in the United States, in France and elsewhere. Thus The 420 is a number and a cultural code closely linked to the culture of cannabis. For many people, it represents the ideal time to consume cannabis, either at 4:20 a.m. sharp, or on April 20 (4/20) each year. But where does this enigmatic reference come from? We will explore in this wiki the origin of the number 420 and how it evolved into a symbol of cannabis culture.

The genesis of the 420: a group of students, Waldos and joints

The gripping story of the 420 takes us back to 1970s California in Marin County at San Rafael High School. A group of friends nicknamed “the Waldos”, because they used to hang out together having a good time leaning against the same wall: so the word “wall” in English gave Waldos! Composed of Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich they gave each other nicknames such as the rock group Ramones having all the same last names: Waldo Steve, Waldo Dave, Waldo Jeffrey, Waldo Larry, and Waldo Mark.

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Their legendary quest begins when a friend of theirs shows them a hand-drawn map leading to an abandoned cannabis field near Point Reyes National Seashore, donated by a coast guard's brother. This mysterious field would have been abandoned by the coastguards for fear of being caught by their superior. The Waldos then embarked on a daily quest to find this mysterious field and decided to meet each day at 4:20 p.m. in front of the statue of Louis Pasteur on their campus using the code “420 Louis” to designate the time of their meeting.

They created this secret code to talk about their love for weed without arousing suspicion from their parents or teachers. Despite their fruitless search for the field in question, the term "420" should have remained buried with the Waldos' adventure. But no, this legendary quest which has survived time, thanks to the passion of young friends in search of a hidden treasure, gave birth to a mysterious code. The mystery surrounding this code only reinforces its charm and mystical aura, transporting those who know its history on a time journey filled with poetry and nostalgia.

There were a multitude of reasons for young people to speak in code about the consumption of marijuana in 1971. Social tolerance towards this substance was not yet valid, and those arrested with even small quantities risked prison sentences. harsh prisons. Another big and ironic reason: the father of one of the Waldos Noel was a narcotics agent for the California Department of Justice. "He had an idea that we were smoking," Noel said. “But I don't think he ever understood the 420 code.” You could say this story is like a plant that grew out of control, even though it never found the field in question! The Waldos planted a seed of curiosity in the minds of everyone who heard of the mysterious code, and that seed grew into a tree of world renown.

And yet, how did this code become famous throughout the world? Because fate decided so: Waldo Dave's big brother was friends with Phil Lesh, the bassist of the band Grateful Dead...

The Waldos: creator of the 420

The Waldos in 2023 in front of the statue of Louis Pasteur where he was at 4.20 Pm

The Grateful Dead and the 420 Expansion

The connection between the Waldos and the Grateful Dead group played a crucial role in popularizing the term 4/20. Waldo's older brother Dave being a close friend of Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh, the Waldos were introduced to the band's circle of friends. As strong advocates of cannabis culture, the members of the Grateful Dead have adopted the term 4/20 to refer to marijuana.
This is how the legend of the 420 gained notoriety when the members of the American rock band Grateful Dead adopted this code and thus helped to popularize the use of this number by their tours which have the use of the 420 to their fans, reinforcing its connection to cannabis use and the culture that surrounds it. To summarize the origin, meaning and journey of the 420:

The “zero patients” of 420, the Waldos from a 4:20 a.m. meeting passed the torch to rock bands the Grateful Dead, who popularized the term during their 35 years of touring the world.

Historical evidence and a legendary quest

Since then, the 420 has found its place among the whimsical and subversive community of stoners, fond of the jargon linked to their love of weed. Today, these weed pioneers proudly claim their founding role. To support their claims, the Waldos they exhibited a 420 flag dating from the 1970s and stamped letters from the same era, where we can read the famous number used as a code to designate marijuana. But why did the Waldos decide to come out of the shadows and claim the authorship of the term 420? The answer lies in the many rumors and false origins that have sown a thick fog, as dense as that produced by the oiliest of hydroponics.

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Urban myths and legends debunked

Here are some examples of false, sometimes absurd, origins of the 420:

  • It is not the police identifier for reporting drug offences.
  • It does not refer to the number of active ingredients in marijuana (which is 315).
  • It is actually Adolf Hitler's birthday, but tradition has nothing to do with it.
  • It would be the result of 12 x 35, the numbers present in Bob Dylan's song “Rainy Day Woman no. 12 and no. 35”. Although the song contains the lyrics "everybody's gotta get high," that doesn't make 420 a weed smoker's favorite number.

The 420 in popular culture: wink and humor

The 420 has become embedded in many elements of popular culture, testifying to its growing popularity. For example, we can cite the clocks in the film Pulp Fiction, all showing 4 hours and 20 minutes, or California's Law 420, which regulates the use of cannabis.

The 420 mile markers on a Denver road have been stolen so often that authorities had to replace them with signs that read "419.99." Finally, the Internet has also contributed to the explosion in the popularity of the term. Thus, when looking for a “420-compatible” roommate, we indicate that we are open to cannabis consumption.
My email address even has the number 420 because Lucas Lopez like myself are numerous on this earth so I chose this number in my email lol 😉

420 History Wiki: Origins, Meaning, Legends

The legendary Cannabis Field sought by the Waldos: finally found?

The 420 nowadays, the legacy

A well-established tradition, with many events

Today, the 420 is present all over the world, symbol of a celebration dedicated to the consumption of cannabis. On April 20 (or 4.20), at 4:20 a.m. or 4:20 p.m., smokers gather to share their common passion. The 420 has become a kind of Oktoberfest, but for the marijuana. As for the mythical plantation of Point Reyes, it still cannot be found, adding a touch of mystery to this tradition whose origins are as surprising as they are amusing.

The 420 in popular culture

The number 420 has become a staple of popular culture, appearing in music, movies, television series, and literature. References to 420 are often used to signify cannabis use, and the number has become a recognized symbol among cannabis users and those familiar with the culture surrounding it.
The 420 has also become part of the culture of the counterculture,
representing a rejection of traditional social norms and a call for
individual liberty.

The 420 and the legalization of cannabis

The number 420 has also played a role in the cannabis legalization movements. Many activists and organizations use the 420 to draw attention to issues related to cannabis prohibition and to promote the potential benefits of legalization. The 420 serves as both a rallying symbol and a means of communication for activists and those concerned with cannabis policy.

The 420 and the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has also adopted the number as the brand Happy 420, with many products and companies referencing the iconic number. The 420 has become a marketing tool for companies in the cannabis industry, seeking to attract consumers using this recognizable and meaningful symbol. In addition, many companies take advantage of April 20 to offer promotions and special offers on their products.

The Symbol of Cannabis Culture

A secret origin unveiled to celebrate! 

Let's celebrate the flight of the 420 around the world, on the wings of lightness and the bonds of friendship, in memory of these starry Waldos who left their mark on the history of the weed. Their legendary quest has woven a tradition in the colors of fantasy and union. Here's why the iconic number 420 has metamorphosed into a radiant symbol of cannabis culture, creating a bridge between consumers around the world. Its roots go back to 1970s California, and since then it has blossomed into a mainstay of popular culture, the cannabis industry, and legalization movements. It also embodies a call for individual freedom and wisdom regarding the medicinal and recreational uses of cannabis, like a plant with a thousand virtues.

The 420 in Video: Discover the Waldos

Times have changed since the 70s now even the famous and serious magazine Forbes has made a video on this story:

The official website of the Waldos

An exciting site with many photos including proof of the first written traces of the code:


What is the origin of the term 420?

The origin of the term 420 dates back to the 1970s, when college students in California gathered at 4:20 p.m. to consume cannabis and go in search of a legendary field!

How did 420 become a Global event?

The meeting time “4:20” (pm), which can also be written “4/20” like a date, has become the day of celebration of cannabis for lovers of this plant. April 20 thus became Weed Day.

What Does 420 Friendly Mean?

It is not uncommon to see the term “420 friendly” in some roommate ads or Tinder. This term means that the person is either a regular consumer of cannabis, or that he is not opposed to cohabiting with a person who consumes it regularly.

What are the 420 Celebrations?

The 420 is celebrated with gatherings, festivals and events where attendees consume cannabis and share their passion for the plant.

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