The Wiki Guide to Cannabis, CBD and THC Law

  • Cannabis includes many derivatives such as CBDTHC and HHC, each with a unique place in the law 🏛️.
  • The sale of hemp flowers and leaves containing less than 0.3% THC is authorised in France, offering a relaxing effect without being narcotic 😌.
  • Okiweed, ranked number 1 by Wiki HHC, offers a wide variety of products based on cannabis, respecting all the legislation in force ?.

Cannabis, CBD, THC, HHC… Everything you need to know about these hemp derivatives according to the law

The world of cannabis is vast and complex. It ranges from industrial hemp to more mysterious derivatives such as HHC, and of course includes the well-known CBD and THC. Each of these products has its place in the legal and social spectrum, with varied uses that range from recreational consumption to the textile industry. But with so many nuances, what is actually allowed? Here is a complete guide to what the law.

Hemp: A Multifaceted Plant

Hemp, or Cannabis sativa, is a plant with many uses. It has been used for millennia for its strong fibers, which are used in textiles and various building materials. More recently, hemp has been rediscovered for its medicinal and recreational properties, mainly thanks to two of its compounds: CBD and THC.

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The Mosaic of Molecules: THC, CBD and HHC

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are the two best-known compounds in cannabis. According to French law, THC is classified as a narcotic, while CBD is recognized as a non-addictive substance. These two molecules are present in different proportions depending on the variety of hemp.

In France, the varieties of cannabis authorized for consumption must contain a THC content less than or equal to 0.3% (0.2% until 2021). This is what distinguishes so-called “wellness” cannabis, or CBD, from other forms of cannabis.

As to HHCHexahydrocannabinol is a cannabis derivative that has been modified in the laboratory. It was banned in France shortly after it was put on the market, highlighting the subtleties and constant changes in cannabis legislation.

Psychotropic Effects: A Crucial Distinction

The THC content is decisive in distinguishing the different forms of cannabis. On December 29, 2022, the Council of State ruled in favor of authorizing the sale of hemp leaves and flowers respecting this content, thus distinguishing the psychotropic effects of THC from the “decontracting and relaxing properties and anticonvulsant effects” of CBD.

The Council of State also noted that “the THC level of flowers and leaves could be checked by means of rapid and inexpensive tests making it possible to identify varieties with amazing properties”.

Cannabis in France: Between Recreation, Therapy and Well-Being

Cannabis in France is classified into three main categories: therapeutic, recreational and well-being or CBD. Therapeutic or medical cannabis is illegal, while recreational cannabis, with a concentration in THC greater than 10%, is prohibited on French territory.

On the other hand, wellness cannabis or CBD, with a THC concentration of less than 0.3%, can be freely sold to people over the age of 16.

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The Question of Production and Marketing

Currently, 95% of CBD-based products offered in stores in France come from abroad, particularly from Switzerland and Italy, where the THC level is higher.

To be marketed in France, CBD flowers must be “washed” to bring the THC level down to 0.3%. French law prohibits individuals from growing CBD, only active farmers are allowed to do so.

Towards Legalization of Recreational Uses of Cannabis?

On January 24, 2023, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), an advisory body, came out in favor of legalizing the so-called “recreational” uses of cannabis. This marks an important step in the evolution of the perception and legislation on cannabis in France.

CBD in France: A Flower with Soft and Soothing Effects

The cannabis flower rich in cannabidiol (CBD) was definitively authorized for sale in France in 2023. This is good news for consumers who seek its soothing effects without the psychotropic effects of THC.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Cannabis Flower: Legal and Sweet

The Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviors (Mildeca) specifies: “The consumption of CBD flower is legal. The Council of State having canceled the provision which prohibited its consumption.

According to the Conseil d'État, CBD "has no psychotropic effect and does not cause dependence; it cannot be considered a narcotic". However, although it is legal to buy and consume CBD flower, smoking raw flower or leaves presents proven health risks.

Processed CBD Products: A More Complex Situation

The situation becomes more complicated when we talk about processed CBD products. The Council of State specifies: “CBD and hemp extracts concentrated in CBD constitute, within the meaning of the regulations of the European community, new foods. Their marketing is therefore subject to prior authorization by the Commission, after evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).”

Obtaining this authorization is proving to be a challenge, especially since Efsa announced in June 2022 the suspension of evaluations of CBD as a novel food, “due to gaps in the available data and uncertainties regarding the potential dangers linked to the consumption of CBD”.

“Recreational” Cannabis: The Legality Remains Ambiguous

Recreational cannabis, that is to say cannabis with a high THC content (greater than 10%), remains prohibited in France. Possession, use, sale and production of cannabis for recreational use are punishable by law.

It is important to note that THC is classified as a narcotic substance. Its use is therefore prohibited by the public health code and may give rise to severe criminal penalties.

However, a debate is underway in France, like many countries, on the question of the legalization of recreational cannabis. Opinions differ on this issue. Some argue that legalization could allow for stricter control of product quality, and taxation that could benefit the state. Others fear an increase in consumption and the public health problems that could result.

Recreational Cannabis: A Public Health and Criminal Policy Issue

The debate over the legalization of recreational cannabis is linked to several issues. One of them is the issue of public health. Opponents of legalization fear that it will lead to an increase in cannabis use, with potentially harmful consequences for public health.

Another issue is that of criminal policy. Currently, the use of recreational cannabis is subject to criminal penalties, and the fight against cannabis trafficking mobilizes significant police and judicial resources. Some argue that legalization could free up these resources to fight other forms of crime.

When Law Meets Cannabis: Wiki Decodes the Mystery of CBD and THC

Okiweed is a reputable online store that offers a wide range of products based on cannabis ranked Number 1 by WIki HHC. Scrupulously respecting the law, the company offers quality products, mainly based on CBD, but also new molecules like H4CBD, THCV, THCP.

Buy Online Safely

Through a platform of sold online easy to use, Okiweed makes thepurchase of safe and transparent cannabis products. The company makes the difference thanks to its delivery fast and responsive customer service, which are highly rated by customers according to notice posted on their site.

A Wide Range of Products

The Okiweed product line includes flowers cannabis, YYYYYYY, of the oilsas well as other forms of cannabis-based products such as hashish and vape. Their offering is diverse, ranging from CBD flowers such as California Haze Indoor (23% CBD) to innovative products such as Marocco Hash (20% H4CBD). Each product is carefully selected to provide the best quality at a price that defies competition.

A Commitment to Quality and Legality

Okiweed is committed to complying with the law by only selling products containing less than 0.2% of THC, in accordance with French and European legislation. All their products come from farms in the heart of Switzerland, renowned for the exceptional quality of their cannabis.

In addition, Okiweed prioritizes the quality products, with CBD levels of up to 23%. For more information on the different compounds found in cannabis, see the article on cannabis at Wikipedia.

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There delivery is free on purchases of £29 or more, and with the code CBD50 you can get 50% off all their products. This is an incredible opportunity for buy quality products premium at unbeatable prices.

The Reference Shop For Your Cannabis Needs

In summary, whether you are an experienced connoisseur looking for the best cannabis products, or a novice looking to explore the potential benefits of CBD, Okiweed is the go-to online store for your cannabis needs. Do not hesitate to consult their site to discover their products, read the notice customers, and take advantage of their exceptional offers.

Scientific reference of the article
Characterization of Hexahydrocannabinol HHC Diastereomers, and Hexahydrocannabidiol H4CBD Diastereomers Using NMR, HPLC, and GCMS

1 Comment
  1. As an occasional user of CBD for wellness reasons.
    I found this article both informative and revealing. As an occasional consumer of CBD products, I've always been a little confused about the legality and implications of my use. This article allowed me to better understand the current position of France on the different forms of cannabis.

    I was particularly interested in the part about the mild and soothing effects of CBD flower, as this is exactly what I look for when consuming CBD products. I also appreciate that the article highlights the health risks of consuming raw CBD flowers or leaves. It is an important reminder that any use of substances, even legal ones, must be done responsibly.

    I wish the article had given more information about processed CBD products. This is an aspect of the cannabis market which seems particularly complex to me and which deserves more attention.

    Overall, I found the article very helpful. It gives a clear view of the current cannabis situation in France, while highlighting the challenges and questions that remain unresolved.

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