HHC, the new legal cannabinoid like THC

The market for psychotropic substances has been steadily increasing in recent years with the emergence of new substances that provide relaxation and an escape from reality. The legal cannabis community has recently been alerted to a new synthetic cannabinoid called HHC which has been widely publicised as a new substitute for THC. But what exactly is the HHC? And is it safe?

What is the HHC?

HHC, or KC-8, is a synthetic cannabinoid obtained by hydrogenating CBD (cannabidiol), a component of cannabis that is legal. It is often referred to as the 'new THC' because it has similar psychotropic effects. However, it is important to note that HHC is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and is not present in the natural cannabis plant. It was first synthesised in 1944 by Roger Adams by adding hydrogen molecules to THC, which transformed the THC to HHC.

How is HHC made?

To make HHC, CBD is subjected to a hydrogenation process that transforms the molecule into HHC. Companies producing HHC use catalysts to carry out this transformation, but they do not disclose details of their production process. The catalysts used may be heavy metals, which may be of concern to human health.

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Is the HHC safe?

There is not yet enough data on the long-term effects of HHC on human health. The psychotropic effects of HHC are similar to those of THC, but the potential side effects are not yet clear. It is important to note that HHC is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and may contain impurities. In addition, as the companies that produce HHC do not disclose details of their production process, it is difficult to know what is actually in the final product.

To know the issues around HHC and new cannabinoids.

HHC is a new synthetic cannabinoid that has generated a lot of interest in the legal cannabis community. However, it is important to remember that HHC is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and is not present in the natural cannabis plant. The long-term effects of HHC on human health are not yet clear, and it is important to be aware of potential impurities in products containing HHC. Ultimately, it's important to make conscious, informed choices about what we put into our bodies, and all the things we do with it. The partners present on WikiHHC have been tested by us and their traceability is inspected by independent organizations.

What is HHC?

HHC is a new semi-synthetic legal cannabinoid obtained by the hydrogenation of CBD, with similar effects to THC.

Where can I find HHC?

HHC can be found in liquid or vaporised form in commercially available products, but it is produced in a laboratory and does not occur naturally in the cannabis plant.

Is HHC legal?

HHC is legal because it is obtained from CBD, which is also legal. However, it is important to be wary of products containing HHC, as the concentrations and health effects are still unknown.

Why is it important to know about the HHC?

It is important to be informed about HHC because it is increasingly present on the market and it is important to use these products conscientiously and responsibly to avoid any health risks.

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