HHC: The New Star of Legal Cannabis in France

  1. HHC, CBD's cool cousin, makes a big splash in the legal cannabis game.
  2. Watch out for the HHC wave! Weedivore appreciates it as a chill withdrawal tool for informed consumers.
  3. Despite the shadow of the ban, hemp pros plead for zen regulation and informed consumption.

HHC and CBD: two molecules, two worlds

Cannabidiol (CBD), long criticized, is increasingly accepted and democratized in our societies. Whether in specialty stores, tobacconists or even pharmacies, CBD is everywhere, even in Bonbon.

Derived from the cannabis plant, CBD is free of any high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, classified as psychotropic and prohibited in France. But recently, a new molecule has appeared and is causing controversy: hexahydrocannabinol (HHC).

The HHC: an alternative or a danger?

HHC is a semi-synthetic molecule, resulting from a simple hydrogenation of THC. It is known to provide cannabis-like effects, causing a feeling of deep relaxation and euphoria. According to some consumers, the HHC “really rocks.”

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However, like any product, the HHC divides opinions. At L'Aigle, for example, the Weedivore shop offers HHC while Maison Marijeane, preferring to stick to natural 100%, does not offer any.

A potential withdrawal with the HHC?

Frédéric Natarianni, the manager of Weedivore, says that HHC is a good start to withdrawal for some cannabis users. According to him, the switch from cannabis to CBD might be too abrupt for some users and therefore HHC could represent a happy medium.

That said, the use of HHC is not without risks and it is only recommended for informed consumers.

An uncertain future for the HHC in France

Despite growing popularity in France, the future of the HHC remains uncertain. François Braun, the Minister of Health, is considering banning the substance, which has caused an increase in demand for HHC.

Professionals in the sector, even if they are divided on the marketing of HHC, still agree on the fact that a total ban would be regrettable.

For some, the ban is just a tactic to distract the public from the real issue: the decriminalization of THC. Because as long as THC remains illegal, new products seeking to imitate its effects will continue to appear.

Alternative solutions considered

Several European countries, including Austria and Finland, have already banned synthetic cannabis, while others, such as Luxembourg and Malta, allow self-production of recreational cannabis in reduced quantities. In Germany, discussions are underway on the regulation of THC by associations.

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The question is not whether a product is prohibited or not, but rather how to raise awareness and regulate its consumption. According to the manager of Weedivore, “a prohibited product is not subject to prevention”.

Ultimately, we need more research and clear regulations to ensure consumers of HHC can benefit from it in a safe and controlled way.

In conclusion, whether we consider HHC as a threat or a solution for withdrawal, one thing is certain: this product, like all cannabis-derived products, must be used with caution. According to the article from Wikipedia on cannabis, it is essential to obtain reliable information and to respect the legislation in force before consuming these products. Appropriate regulation and sufficient awareness could be the key to fully and safely reaping the potential benefits of HHC.

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