Prohibition and Destocking of cannabinoids H4CBD, THCP, HHCPO

Background to the ban

On 3 June 2024, the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) will ban a number of synthetic cannabinoids in France. This decision concerns substances such as H4CBD, THCP and HHCPO, in response to growing concerns about their safety and effects on public health.

Nature of prohibited cannabinoids


H4CBD is a hydrogenated derivative of CBD. Although it is not naturally present in large quantities in the cannabis plant, it is synthesised in the laboratory for its potential anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. However, its effects on cannabinoid receptors, in particular CB1 and CB2, are still poorly studied.

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THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) is a recently discovered cannabinoid with a chemical structure similar to THC, but with a much higher affinity for CB1 receptors, which could make its psychotropic effects more potent. It is produced either by sophisticated extraction or chemical synthesis, making its presence in natural cannabis products negligible.


HHCPO (Hexahydrocannabiphorol-O) is an acetylated form of HHC, another synthetic cannabinoid. The chemical changes made to its structure are designed to amplify and prolong its psychotropic effects, while increasing the risk of serious side effects.

Reasons for the ban

The ANSM based its decision on several critical factors:Medical incidents : Since September 2023, 90 cases of serious incidents linked to the consumption of these cannabinoids have been recorded, 40 of which % required hospitalisation. Symptoms reported include vomiting, convulsions, comas and intense anxiety attacks.Addiction and abuse : Synthetic cannabinoids such as H4CBD and THCP present a high risk of dependence. Their regular and frequent use is observed in a significant proportion of users, particularly young people.Composition uncertain : Products containing these cannabinoids are often poorly labelled, with actual concentrations of active substances often unknown to consumers, increasing the risk of overdose.

Reactions and implications

Consumer reactions

Regular consumers of CBD and its derivatives are expressing frustration and incomprehension at the ban. They fear a significant reduction in the supply of products and a loss of confidence in the alternatives available on the market.

Impact on the cannabis industry

The ban represents a major challenge for the cannabis industry. Producers and retailers who have specialised in these products will have to withdraw them from sale, which could lead to significant financial losses. There is also a risk that investment in research and development into these substances will not pay off.

Consequences for CBD shops

Shops specialising in the sale of cannabinoid-based products will have to comply with the new regulations by removing all products containing banned substances from their shelves. This will lead to a reduction in their supply and may force them to find legal alternatives to maintain their business.

Ongoing monitoring and the future of legislation

The ANSM is maintaining strict vigilance over the emergence of new synthetic cannabinoids. The current ban is a preventive measure to protect public health, but the agency is aware that other substances could emerge to replace those that are now illegal. The ANSM and addictovigilance centres continue to monitor the market and the effects of new products closely.

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The ban on the cannabinoids H4CBD, THCP, HHCPO and others is aimed at preventing the public health risks associated with their use. This decision affects a range of players, from consumers to professionals in the cannabis industry, and underlines the importance of strict regulation to guarantee the safety of products available on the market. The authorities remain determined to keep a close eye on developments in this area to adapt regulations to the new risks identified.

Alternatives and innovations in the CBD sector

Faced with the ban on certain synthetic cannabinoids, the CBD industry is turning to legal and safe alternatives to meet growing consumer demand.

CBN: a promising alternative

CBN (cannabinol) is a natural cannabinoid present in small quantities in the cannabis plant. It is known for its potentially sedative and relaxing properties, making it an interesting alternative for people suffering from sleep disorders or anxiety. What's more, CBN is legal in France, making it accessible to consumers concerned about their well-being.

Terpene-based products

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. They are responsible for the distinctive aromas and flavours of each variety of cannabis. Some terpenes also have potential therapeutic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic or anxiolytic effects. Terpene-based products, such as essential oils or e-liquids, offer a legal and natural alternative to synthetic cannabinoids.

The importance of research and innovation

The ban on synthetic cannabinoids underlines the importance of research and innovation in the CBD sector. Companies must invest in research to develop new, safe and effective products based on natural cannabinoids or terpenes. Innovation is also essential to improve cannabinoid extraction and purification methods, in order to guarantee the quality and safety of the products available on the market.

The need for clear, appropriate regulations

Regulation of the CBD sector must be clear and appropriate to protect consumers and encourage innovation. The authorities must work closely with industry professionals to establish strict quality and safety standards for cannabinoid-based products. Clear, appropriate regulations will also help to combat the black market and guarantee consumer safety.

The crucial role of education and information

Education and information are essential to make consumers aware of the risks associated with consuming synthetic cannabinoids and to inform them about the legal and safe alternatives available on the market. Healthcare professionals, patient associations and the media have a crucial role to play in disseminating reliable, objective information about CBD and its derivatives.

In conclusion

The ban on synthetic cannabinoids marks a turning point in the CBD sector. The industry must reinvent itself by focusing on legal and safe alternatives, such as CBN or terpenes. Research, innovation, regulation and education are the keys to ensuring a sustainable and responsible future for the CBD sector in France.

My recommendations before the ban: discover BlueDream THCP and Jungle Hash HHCPO! 🌿✨

Hello all cannabinoid lovers! Before the ban takes effect, let me tell you about two of my favourite products available on Okiweed. These are true rare gems that you absolutely must try. 🌟

BlueDream THCP | 21% THCP 🌌

Why I love BlueDream THCP:

  1. Powerful and unique effects BlueDream THCP contains 21% of THCP, making it an incredibly potent option. Unlike other cannabinoids, THCP offers a deeply euphoric and relaxing experience. The first time I tried BlueDream THCP was after a stressful week at work. I prepared my vaporiser, lit a few candles, and after a few inhalations, I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me. Muscle tension dissipated, and a feeling of mild euphoria made my evening much more enjoyable.
  2. Delectable flavours As soon as you open the sachet, the scent is a real treat for the senses. Imagine sweet notes of mellow white wine, mixed with hints of dark chocolate and a slight bitterness reminiscent of cherry and orange peel. On the palate, it's a pure delight that delights the taste buds. Once, during an evening with friends, I shared BlueDream THCP, and everyone was impressed by its aromatic richness. Discussions quickly turned to the subtle notes of cherry and chocolate that everyone perceived differently.
  3. Magnificent appearance This indoor variety has a neat, seductive appearance. The buds are dense and resinous, perfect for those looking for both power and quality. The last time I had a quiet afternoon, I spent a good while simply admiring the crystalline structure of the buds before gently crushing them.

For those who love intense, euphoric experiences, I highly recommend ordering BlueDream THCP on Okiweed. 🌈🚀

Jungle Hash | 43% HHCPO 🦍

Why Jungle Hash HHCPO is a must:

  1. Extreme power With 43% of HHCPO, this is one of the most powerful hashes I've tried. It offers relaxing and slightly euphoric effects, perfect for a relaxing evening at home. On a relaxing weekend, I decided to try Jungle Hash after a long hike. The feeling of muscle relaxation and mental tranquillity that followed was exactly what I needed to recover and prepare for a new week.
  2. Exceptional taste and texture Jungle Hash has a dark brown, almost black texture, with a candied, waxy consistency. It is very supple, making it easy to handle. On the palate, it is slightly sweet with an oily note that makes it very pleasant to eat. One winter evening, after a good dinner, I rolled a joint of Jungle Hash to share with a few friends. The mild flavour and pleasant texture were a hit, and we spent the evening chatting and laughing, wrapped up in a warm and relaxed atmosphere.
  3. Legal alternative to HHC HHCPO, an acetylated derivative of HHC, is 100% legal in France. It combines the benefits of THC with total legality, making it a safe and effective choice. I particularly appreciate this legal certainty, which means I can enjoy the effects without any worries.

For those looking for a strong yet relaxing experience, Jungle Hash is a perfect choice. You can find it on Okiweed, and I promise you won't be disappointed. 🌿🔥

Don't wait any longer to explore these products before they're banned. Order now from Okiweed and benefit from fast delivery anywhere in France. Trust me, these two products are a must-try! 🌟💚

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