The ban on HHC: a chance to discover legal alternatives 🌿 such as H4CBD, THCV

  • The once popular HHC is now forbidden en France, entraînant des réactions et une perte de stock significatives. 😮
  • Despite this prohibition, the CBD industry is exploring new legal alternatives for fulfilling consumption. ??
  • L’ANSM a classé le HHC comme stupéfiant, mais les alternatives comme le H4CBD, THCV sont déjà présents🤔

HHC, a semi-synthetic derivative of cannabis, was once a popular product in the French CBD industry. However, this substance has recently been classified as a narcotic, leading to an immediate ban on its sale from Tuesday, June 12, 2023. This decision has provoked strong reactions from professionals who consider it to be more of a political as well as scientific measure, influenced by the prohibition of cannabis. But it also paved the way for the discovery of legal alternatives, such as H4CBD and THCV. These two substances, although less known, offer interesting effects and are available for purchase in many shops online: Stormrock, Okiweed, Tealerlab, Cbd Shop Hornbill, Emendil, HHC Farmers, Weecl…

Legal alternatives: H4CBD and THCV

Among these alternatives, the H4CBD and the THCV stand out. H4CBD, or Tetrahydrocannabidiol, is a molecule that offers relaxing effects without the psychoactive effects of THC. It is available in different forms: flowers, resins, oils, e-liquids, and even in a vape version for puff lovers.

Le THCV, ou Tetrahydrocannabivarine, est une autre molécule issue du cannabis. Il est réputé pour ses effets stimulants et son potentiel thérapeutique. Comme le H4CBD, il est disponible à l’achat sur de nombreux sites de vente en ligne.

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The ban on HHC: A sudden announcement

The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) took everyone by surprise by classifying HHC as a narcotic on Monday June 12. This decision immediately led to the ban on the sale of products based on this molecule (flowers, oils, etc.) in all shops and websites. This measure dealt a blow to the French CBD industry, which offers hemp-based products with a THC level below 0.3 %, as well as to some consumers who had opted for this new substance in order to turn away from illegal cannabis.

A very short time

Although some industry players suspected that the classification of HHC as narcotic was imminent, the extremely short delay between the announcement and its effective date was strongly criticized. Some see it as an ideological measure disconnected from the real economic and health issues, and denounce the lack of time left to players in the sector to prepare.

A tumultuous relationship between the State and the CBD industry

This ban is part of a context of strained relations between the French state and the CBD industry. Already, a legal battle had erupted around the sale of hemp leaves and flowers in France, but it had finally been authorized by the Council of State. Thus, this new ban on HHC marks a new episode in this showdown between the two parties.

An instant reaction

L’annonce de l’interdiction du HHC a provoqué un engouement immédiat. De nombreuses boutiques de CBD ont été prises d’assaut juste après l’annonce de l’Agence du médicament. Par exemple, les gérants du CBD shop Vaporiz’me à Rennes ont dû repousser l’heure de fermeture pour satisfaire un maximum de clients, avant de devoir retirer une gamme entière de produits très prisés. Maxime, le gérant, explique que les articles ont été retirés de la boutique et désactivés sur le site, entraînant une perte de stock, mais il considère cela comme une conséquence du jeu.

Surprising consequences

La rapidité de l’application de la décision a également suscité des réactions. Certains commerçants s’étonnent que les clients qui sont venus la veille se retrouvent aujourd’hui en possession de stupéfiants. Maxime en plaisante presque en disant : “C’est quand même une drôle d’époque, j’ai vendu hier un produit qui est considéré comme de la drogue aujourd’hui.” Yann Bisiou, maître de conférences à l’université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier-III et spécialiste des politiques publiques de la drogue, exprime son étonnement face à une décision prise à 14 h 40 et applicable à minuit, sans laisser le temps aux consommateurs et à l’industrie de s’adapter. Il dénonce le manque de réflexion derrière cette décision.

Returning to previous habits

Among the arguments put forward by the ANSM to justify its decision, we find the similarity of the chemical structures of HHC and THC, a molecule already classified as a narcotic. The effects of consuming the two substances are also similar. Some cannabis smokers even considered HHC a legal way to get high. Thus, the banning of HHC means the end of this alternative. It is therefore very likely that consumers will turn back to their former use of illegal cannabis, which worries some experts.

A decision criticized

Some experts question the ANSM's decision by calling it a news item policy. They believe that banning HHC does not contribute to building a coherent public health policy. According to them, this hasty decision lacks reflection and does not take into account the real economic and health issues.

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L'industrie française du CBD réagit à l'interdiction du HHC. Découvrez les alternatives légales comme le H4CBD et le THCV. 🌱💡

New replacement molecules such as H4CBD, THCV

As the market is globalized, banning HHC might just be a shot in the arm as legal alternatives like H4CBD, THCV are already there. Industrial players in the United States are constantly working on new molecules, and when one of them is deemed useful, it always ends up arriving in Europe. Thus, cannabis derivatives such as H4CBD, PHC or even THCP could replace HHC in the near future, some already present in Stormrock, Okiweed, Tealerlab, Cbd Shop Calao, Emendil, HHC Farmers, Weecl.. Certains acteurs de l’industrie, comme Alexandre Lacarré, fondateur de Phytocann, envisagent même de déposer un recours en justice contre l’avis de l’ANSM.

A tense political situation

Alors que l’Allemagne s’engage sur la voie de la légalisation du cannabis récréatif dès 2024, la France reste fermement opposée à cette idée, tout comme son président Emmanuel Macron. Cette situation politique a des répercussions sur l’industrie du CBD, qui risque de subir les conséquences de cette opposition pendant encore longtemps.

HHC forbidden, long live the H4CBD and the THCV!

😮 Prohibition of HHCStock clearance and surprising reactions.
🌱💡 Legal alternativesL’industrie du CBD explore H4CBD et THCV malgré l’interdiction.
🤔 ANSM and HHCL’ANSM classe le HHC comme stupéfiant mais le H4CBD, THCV sont légaux.
💼 Innovative companiesStormrock, Okiweed, Tealerlab, Cbd Shop Calao, Emendil, HHC Farmers, Weecl… offer H4CBD, THCV.

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